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Bye Bye Treo…

less than 1 minute read

The Treo 650 is a great phone. I purchased it after a horrible experince with Windows Mobile and decided to go the Palm route for the excellent Linux support...

One command to rule them all!

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sudo apt-get install nmap tcpdump ngrep etherape ethereal ettercap kismet aircrack john airsnort dsniff hping3 fragroute arpwatch nessus nessusd openssh-serv...

Ich speak Deutsch und English

less than 1 minute read

I was watching a documentary on the Vatican tonight and they were interviewing the Swiss Guars, who obviously, speak mostly German. Maybe because I have been...

Rocks Cluster

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Rocks Cluster rocks my socks. After battling with their FTP to grab the latest ISO, I was finally able to do a VMWare Install of version 4.2. The key for doi...

Electricity makes me giggle

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And tingly for that matter. I was on the phone last night with Kade when I began to troubleshoot the broken TV. Let me walk you through this slowly so you ca...

DS Lite Loving

1 minute read

I broke down ladies and gentlemen. For months I have been working hard now on my GP2x from Korea. While the device runs linux and many emulators well it lack...