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Tucson Graveyard

less than 1 minute read

While on business travel in Tucson I came across the Air Forces’ graveyard for old airplanes. A very fascinating place! I will upload the pictures en masse l...

AppleTV and Extreme

less than 1 minute read

I geeked up this weekend and purchased an AppleTV and matching router. Stay tuned for review!

Posted from my n800

less than 1 minute read

A program came out called Maemo Blog…and I am using it. Hooked up to my bluetooth keyboard I am able to type a post that would have taken ages with the other...

New motorcycle – Honda RC51

less than 1 minute read

I debated and thought about it a lot before deciding on this bike. The money it cost to buy a used bike was enough to purchase a run-of-the-mill 600/1000cc I...

Ian Murdock leaves Debian

less than 1 minute read

The Sun folks are sounding the alarm that this is the end of Linux! I think what they fail to reailize is the state of Debian and his original project leads....

I am the computer man!

less than 1 minute read

I sent this out to prove that I wasn’t as geeky as everyone made me out to be. Proof that I maybe a geek…but I will never be the “THE COMPUTER MAN!”