Measure Twice, Cut Once Trades Scholarship

1 minute read

Alicia Schmidt and I are proud to announce the “Measure Twice, Cut Once Trades Scholarship,” which is two $2,500 awards to those in Arenac County pursuing vocational or trade schools post-graduation. Please share within the community!

Teachers like Fran Laakman and Ann Holland (among many others) saw something I often overlooked in myself. While acknowledging my academic challenges, they celebrated my strengths and interests in computers, sports, and exploration. It took missed opportunities and honest conversations about my potential and lack of drive to realise I was more than the ‘intellectual old soul’ stereotype. My true passion lay in technology, a field I have embraced since the days of the Commodore 64.

Despite feeling lost in a world that seemed to value university education above all, I was fortunate to have a family that instilled in me a strong work ethic and the drive to excel. This foundation of support and my journey through various challenges inspired the creation of our scholarship program. Alicia Schmidt and I understand that vocational education offers a practical, hands-on learning experience that resonates deeply with those who thrive outside traditional academic settings.

We’re thrilled to launch a $2,500 scholarship for Arenac County students pursuing vocational or trade paths. Two graduating high school seniors in good standing with their community and school will be awarded each school year. We invite applicants to share their stories and aspirations through essays, which you can submit at the link provided.

This scholarship is our way of giving back to a community that has given us so much. We believe in the value of trades and the power of following one’s passion. As Thoreau wisely said, ‘If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.’ We’re here to support those unique rhythms and the paths they pave.

Link to Scholarship Form
